Friday, August 31, 2012

Senior H Grade in the Grand Final This Saturday

Our Senior H-Grade team is playing in the Sydney Metropolitan's Winter competition and have made it through out to the Grand Final. The are up against the Castle Hill Broadswords, this Saturday the 1st of September. Games staerts at 12:15. So come along to Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill (Field #5), give our team your support and enjoy the game. GO KINGS!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Working Bee 25.08.12

KLBC and KLEJBC Working Bee - Saturday 25/08 10am-2pm
Any time that you can come down and help greatly appreciated.
Sausage Sizzle and a Free Beer for all attendees.

Scope of Works:
-          Dirt – Mounds 1 and 3
-          Infield re-lay diamond 1
-          Wire netting on 1 and any other wire repairs
-          Roof for Dia 5 dugout, scorers hut behind dia 5
Please bring a shovel, plies, a rake and some elbow grease.