Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Draw Saturday 21st September

Draw is out for Saturday 21st September as follows:

Under 17
Carlingford v Kings Langley Muirfield 10:30am

Under 14
Kings Langley V Haw/Kelly Ashley Brown2 8:30am

Under 12
Schofeilds V Kings Langley Melrose2 10:30am

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Season Starts 15.09.12

Draws out for this week:

Under 17 Cashmore South
Kings Langley v Schofields Ash Brown 10:30am

Under 14 Street South
Baulkham Hills v Kings Langley Northmead 5 8:30am

Under 12 Leonard West
Kings Langley V Kellyville Ash Brown 8:30am

Canteen News

This year to share the load, we will be rostering teams on canteen duty to assist ½ hour before and ½ hour after their game.

When rostered, each team will need to provide 2 people to assist Jo in the canteen.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Senior H Grade in the Grand Final This Saturday

Our Senior H-Grade team is playing in the Sydney Metropolitan's Winter competition and have made it through out to the Grand Final. The are up against the Castle Hill Broadswords, this Saturday the 1st of September. Games staerts at 12:15. So come along to Fred Caterson Reserve, Castle Hill (Field #5), give our team your support and enjoy the game. GO KINGS!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Working Bee 25.08.12

KLBC and KLEJBC Working Bee - Saturday 25/08 10am-2pm
Any time that you can come down and help greatly appreciated.
Sausage Sizzle and a Free Beer for all attendees.

Scope of Works:
-          Dirt – Mounds 1 and 3
-          Infield re-lay diamond 1
-          Wire netting on 1 and any other wire repairs
-          Roof for Dia 5 dugout, scorers hut behind dia 5
Please bring a shovel, plies, a rake and some elbow grease.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

We have merged

We are proud to announce

Kings Langley Eagles

The Eagles & Kings Langley Juniors have agreed to merge to became the
Kings Langley (KL) Eagles Junior Baseball Club

This coming 2012/2013 season will be their 1st as the KL Eagles
Info about the upcoming season will be posted shortly!